Congratulations for putting this series of screencasts about Xtext.
I jumped straight on episode 17, since I am currently implementing scoping in a DSL, and I am a beginner with Xtext.
Some comments on the episode:
Really liked it – extremely useful
It would be nice to show the version of Xtext that you are using. I could see some differences between Xtext 2.4 documentation and episode 17.
What version of Xtext / Xtend are you using? I am using Xtext SDK 2.4.2.v201306120542 ; any possibility of upgrading the tutorials to the latest version of Xtext? For example, xtend scoping is automatically generated (raher than java). The main problem I had was with the fact that Xtext 2.4 automatically generates Xtend code; no need to create Xtend source file copied from a Java source file.
The documentation for Xtext version 2.4 is of limited help. Section 8.6.2 "Local scoping" does not use the def keyword nor the :: operator. Also the syntax for filtering presented in your video is very useful, and not at all obvious from the Xtext doc.
An extended scoping tutorial would be welcome, explaining the declarative scoping in detail.
Congratulations for a great tutorial.
There is a difference in Xtext 2.4: the doGenerate method now generates a commented example, rather than
//TODO implement me
:Congratulations for putting this series of screencasts about Xtext.
I jumped straight on episode 17, since I am currently implementing scoping in a DSL, and I am a beginner with Xtext.
Some comments on the episode: